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Your Not-So-Typical "New Year, New Me"

It's been so long since I posted to this blog. So long, that I've gone back and forth trying to decide if this post was even worth sharing (but that's just the writer in me feeling self-conscious). The easy excuse would be that I was really busy living life, accomplishing goals, and ~finding me~. And while a lot of that is true, the more important, harder-to-face truth, is that sometimes writing is really hard. Some days it comes to me and other days it doesn't. People think writers are always supposed to know the right thing to say all the time. I can assure you this is not the case, considering I find myself saying the wrong things at the wrong time more than I'd like to admit. So with that being said, here is something I've had on my mind for a long time. I've just been searching for the right words to say it. With every year that passes, I find myself asking, "How did that year just go so fast?" But of my 22 years, 2018 has by far been th

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