New Year Resolutions I Actually Want to Keep

Four days into 2018 and this year has already been so good to me.

This past year was my best one yet, so how can I even begin to top it? 2017 was a year of growth and self-discovery. There was hurt, there was struggle, and I faced many challenges; but I learned so much about myself. 2017 was the year I figured out what makes me tick, what drives me to succeed, and what makes me genuinely happy. I learned that I'd much rather love hard and be rejected than to half-ass it and be accepted. I've got a big heart, and I've finally learned to embrace it instead of viewing it as a flaw.

I am so proud of myself and the changes I've made in the last year. It's so crazy to look back at where I was one year ago, compared to this moment right now. I was at the lowest point in my life, and to me, there was no light at the end of the tunnel. I was broken and messy, and I really had forgotten what it felt like to not have something terrible happen to me over and over again. It was constant emotional pain.

And now it's constant joy. Every day I look forward to living the best life I can possibly live. I'm so much happier, I hold myself to a higher standard, and I'm stronger than I've ever been. I'm stepping into 2018 leaving some people behind, but I'm carrying with me the greatest people I know. This is a brand new chapter, leading into a story like no other.

That being said, I've come up with some resolutions for the new year--meaningful resolutions that will actually affect my life in a positive way.

Less drinking, more water.
Yes, we're all guilty of it, and being a college student definitely doesn't make it any easier. It's so easy to get into the routine of going out every night of the weekend, drinking excessively, and then indulging in food that is in no way good for us. So here's to backing off on the alcohol, and giving our bodies the love and nutrients it deserves.

Less screens, more being present. 
It's 2018 and we are attached to our phones more than ever. Set your phone down and start living in the moment. It's like that episode of The Office where Jim and Pam get married, and they spend the weekend taking mental snapshots of their wedding festivities. Let's work on taking less pictures and more mental snapshots.

Less stuff, more experiences.
My thing for the past few months has been working on living a more minimalistic lifestyle. I've slowly started to get rid of things I've accumulated over the years, because let's be real--all it's doing is taking up space. Clothes I never wore and random clutter started to take over my living space, and I came to the realization that most of it was pointless. With less spending on material items, comes more opportunities to spend our money on experiences. And let me tell you, every trip I've ever been on is way cooler than any pair of shoes I've ever bought.

Less complaining, more doing something about it.
Let me ask you this--how often does complaining get us what we want? That's a rhetorical question, and the answer is hardly ever. Don't like your job? Quit and find a new one. Not happy with your current relationship? Figure it out or get out. Don't complain about how bad your life is if you're not doing anything to make it better.

Let 2018 be the year we start making real changes in our lives, and not just ones we write on a piece of paper because we feel obligated to. Set goals that are realistic and beneficial--goals that you can accomplish and look back on saying, "Heck yeah, I did that!" Make 2018 about experiences, and adventures, and memories, and just being really freaking happy. It will make for a pretty great year.

xo, Alex


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