Life Is Really, Really Good

Life is rocking my socks off right now, hence, why I want to start writing about it. And I get that life isn't always rainbows and butterflies, but that's just reality. I'm sure there will come a point where this blog is going to get raw and real, and won't always be easy to read, or even write. But as for now, let's talk about how life is really, really good.

Because it is. I couldn't complain about a thing if I tried. I mean, I could. But what would be the point? I've become so good at determining what is worth concerning myself over and what is not. It all comes down to how you choose to look at life--how you choose to perceive it and understand it. What you desire from it.

I desire to learn. Constantly. You can never be too smart or know too much. I have an extreme weakness for clever and intelligent minds.

I desire to wander. I don't like to be grounded in the same place for too long. I allow everyday to be a new adventure, whether I've traveled one mile or a thousand.

I desire to love and be loved. But who doesn't? It's human nature. The challenge is letting love find you rather than you going out and searching for it. Time is a funny thing, but it knows what it's doing. I remind myself daily to be patient and have faith in fate. TRUST the process.

I've learned a lot this summer. Most importantly, I've learned a lot about myself. I learned to love myself again and put myself out into the world around me. I found things I'm passionate about. I found people that make life exciting. I have goals and aspirations, and finally ones that revolve around making ME happy.

Everyday I am learning to say yes. To be daring and spontaneous. To hurl myself into people and places and moments without hesitation or second-guessing. To challenge my anxieties, fight my fears, and trust unwaveringly in chance and fate to lead me to where I am supposed to be.

And let me tell ya, it's working.

xo, Alex


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